Why Do My Bra Underwires Hurt?

Why Do My Bra Underwires Hurt?

A Fit Guide for Comfort and Support

Ahhh, bra underwire.  For many, it's a love-hate relationship.  We love the support, but hate the poke! But what if I told you that uncomfortable underwires aren't something you have to endure?

Find out why they might be causing pain and how to stop it!

Why Underwire?

While it might feel like underwires exist solely to torment us, they actually serve an important purpose.  Think of them as tiny, supportive scaffolding for your breasts. When properly fitted, underwires distribute the weight of your breasts, providing lift, separation, and crucial support.

This weight distribution is key for both comfort and a flattering shape.  Consider this: the average D cup weighs almost 500g per breast - that's one kilo sitting on your chest! Without proper support, you're likely to experience back pain,  shoulder strain, and yes, the dreaded underwire poke.

The Underwire's Perfect Position

Imagine your underwire as a gentle hug for your breast tissue. It should:

  • Start at the inframammary crease: This is where your breast tissue meets your chest wall. (Lift your arm to easily find this crease.)

  • Contour your breast tissue: The underwire should encircle your entire breast, following its natural curve.

  • Lie flat against your sternum: The ends of the underwire should meet comfortably in the center without digging in.

The correct band size allows the wire to sit neatly around the breast (left). A too-tight band size causes the wires to stretch too far into the armpit (middle). A too-loose band size causes the wire to press slightly on the breast tissue (right).

Armpit Attack! Why Does it Happen?

The most common culprit for underwire armpit pain? Incorrect bra size, followed by style, an old bra and poor quality.

  • Too small: The underwire will compress your breast tissue, leading to digging and discomfort.

  • Too big: The underwire may sit too far out or create a gap, causing it to shift and poke.

  • Wrong bra style: Breasts come in all shapes and sizes! Experiment with different styles to find one that complements yours.

  • Worn-out bra: Old bras lose their shape and elasticity, making underwires more prone to poking through.

  • Poor quality: Low-quality bras often have flimsy underwires that bend or break easily.

  • Improper care: Hand wash your bras and hang them to dry to maintain their shape and prevent underwire damage.

Finding Your Perfect Fit

If your underwire is digging in, it's time to reassess your size and style.

  1. Check your measurements: Complete my Online Fitting Form and I'll email you some sizes & styles.

  2. Explore different styles: Don't be afraid to experiment! Different styles cater to different breast shapes.

  3. Prioritise quality: Invest in well-made bras with comfortable, cushioned underwires.

  4. Comfort is Key: forget about the size you've ended up in as a comfortable underwire bra is a game-changer.  It provides support, shapes beautifully, and feels great all day long.

Some sports bra recommendations with underwire:

Freya High-Octane Underwire sports bra has Silicone padded wire casing for extra comfort and Moulded seam-free cups to help provide shape and support




Simone Underwire sports bra has an external underwire that comes up under the breast tissue for support & separation




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